Nevada FCCLA Welcomes TRI Leadership

Nevada FCCLA is very excited about our new partnership with TRI Leadership Resources, LLC, an Nevada-based company that serves FCCLA and our sister Career Technical Student Organizations across the nation. TeamTRI will be working to provide leadership and management services to support our FCCLA Board of Directors, State Officers, local chapters, and all leaders who are helping to advance FCCLA in Nevada.

TRI’s staff counts more than 50 team members across the nation. While many of them will be supporting Nevada FCCLA, the key leaders we will be working with are Ryan Underwood and Brittani Parker.

About Ryan

Ryan Underwood was born and raised in Southern Nevada where he founded TRI twenty years ago.  He was a three time state/national officer for FBLA and has since worked on the local, state, and national level to advance CTSOs and Career Technical Education with great distinction—including earning honorary FCCLA membership in Georgia and Oklahoma.  Ryan, along with his wife and business partner, Carrie, now make their home Oklahoma with their two young daughters. While Ryan greatly misses his home in Nevada, he has found Oklahoma home to great people like his home state and that living in the center of the country allows him to easily get around the nation and still get home to his family. Ryan helped plan and create the grant that allows FCCLA to remain alive in Nevada.  He brings great vision and a “can do” attitude to every project.  His enthusiasm is contagious and his sense of humor makes him a pleasure to work with.  He will be serving as our Executive Director.

About Brittani

Brittani is a former FCCLA member, state president, and National Vice President of Membership.  She is passionate about FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences Education.  She earned her degree with honors in Family and Consumer Sciences Education from Oklahoma State University and has been instrumental in supporting National FCCLA and individual states in program and leadership development.  She also lives in Oklahoma where she serves on the Oklahoma FCCLA Foundation Board and brings a wealth of knowledge about FCCLA programs and expertise. She is young and energetic and remembers that having fun is an important part of FCCLA.  Her positive attitude is inspiring. Brittani will be serving as our Associate Director.

Welcome TeamTRI!

Ryan and Brittani are honored and excited to be working with us.  And, Nevada FCCLA looks forward to a long relationship with TRI Leadership and especially working closely with Ryan Underwood and Brittani Parker.  Be sure to look for them at the State Leadership Conference and welcome them to Nevada FCCLA.

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome everyone to the Nevada FCCLA website! My name is Bailey Wearin and I am your 2012-2013 State President. Your other state officers for this year are Eastern Region Vice President, Christopher Warnock; Western Region Vice President Joey Vanek; and State Secretary, Kailey Kell! We are all very excited about what a wonderful year this is going to be for Nevada FCCLA.

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America is the only student led organization that focuses on the family. Since 1945, FCCLA has been a great way to make a difference in your families, communities, and careers, prepare for adult life, meet new people, and have fun!

This summer, Nevada had 23 STAR event competitors at National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida. Members brought home 16 gold medals and seven silver medals. Everyone’s hard work paid off and wonderful memories were made! In August, State Officers also met in Portland with the other CTSO (Career Technical Student Organization) officers to get things going for the year.

This year, our main focus is increasing membership and recruiting new chapters around the state. Our membership campaign, 7UP, challenges every chapter around the state to recruit seven more members than they had last year. There are about seven affiliated chapters around the state, so if each chapter recruits at least seven new members we will have almost fifty new members!

Check the website often for upcoming events, information, and the state officer newsletter which will be updated twice a month! Also, be sure to check out the highlight event of the fall, the Nevada Leadership Institute which is being held November 4-5 in Bend Nevada! Registration deadline for OLI is October 16, 2012. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!


Nevada CTSO Bill Signing

On Monday, September 16th, State President, Joey Vanek, had the opportunity to travel to the Nevada Capitol in Salem and witness House Bill 2912 and Senate Bill 498 be officially signed. Joey was able to meet with the Governor, and supporters of the House Bill. Also attending were, FBLA’S Western Region Vice President, Parker Snook, and Erika Mclntrye, Skills USA State Officer.

While in Salem Joey was able to see parts of the beautiful Capitol, and learn more about the history of our amazing state! “Seeing Governor Kitzhaber officially sign the bill was the best moment of the trip,” said Vanek. The experience gave him a proud feeling to be a member of an Nevada CTSO. With the 8 million dollar funding, Joey knows CTSO’s will be able to grow, and make Nevada’s future economy brighter!

The passing of the bill came with a lot of work. “It was the members passion that showed our representatives why Career and Technical Organizations, such as FCCLA, are vital for Nevada’s future,” said Vanek.

Thank you members and advisers for your hard work to help make sure that Career and Technical Student Organizations are apart of Nevada’s future.

2013 Capitol Leadership Review

Hello Nevada FCCLA,

I recently had the great privilege to attend the 2013 FCCLA Capitol Leadership.

Not only was the conference a huge success, but it was also one of the largest Capitol Leaderships in recent years.

While attending the conference I was able to network with other leaders from all over the nation, volunteer at the Arlington Street People Assistance Network, and take part in trainings that helped me become ready to advocate for FCCLA to my representatives and their staff.

During my time in Virginia and Washington, D.C., I experienced the first day of the government shutdown. This made our experience more interesting.  Because of the shutdown, I didn’t get a “normal” visit to D.C. I was able to see how fast our government can change, and even witnessed citizens exercising their freedom of speech by protesting around Capitol Hill. I was also able to go into the Senate gallery and watch Senators speak on the government shutdown. This allowed me to see how our nation leaders decide on issues that affect their constituents.

All in all it was a trip that I would never want to take back. It’s my personal opinion to suggest that you attend next years Capitol Leadership, October 12th-15th, 2014.

Joey Vanek

State President

Running for State Office

Do you have a passion for FCCLA? Are you looking to take your leadership skills to the next level? Do you want to make a difference in Nevada FCCLA? If the answer is YES! to these questions, then you should consider running for a Nevada FCCLA State Office.

As an officer you have numerous responsibilities such as creating and implementing a program of work for Nevada FCCLA, attending different state and national conferences to make decisions that help continue to lead Nevada FCCLA “Towards New Horizons” and gain leadership skills.

If you’re interested in running for State Office there is a simple process that you will need to follow in order to be considered a candidate. First, download and complete the Nevada FCCLA State Officer Candidate application. The application can be found at under the State Officers tab, and selecting the State Officer Candidate section. All applications are due on March 1st, 2014.  Be sure and pay close attention to all of the information in the State Officer Candidate application packet to make sure you complete all the required documents. During the 2014 State Leadership Conference your journey to becoming an Nevada FCCLA State Officer will continue. During SLC, you will attend a State Officer Candidate Orientation, meet with Voting Delegates, prepare and present a three (3) minute speech during the Opening Session and answer two (2) impromptu questions.

Serving as a State Officer is a great experience and honor. Members all across the state of Nevada look up to you. If you have any questions about the process, talk with your chapter adviser or contact Brittani Parker, State Director

Enterprise FCCLA “Light It Up Blue Week”

One of FCCLA’s Educational Outreach Partners is Autism Speaks, which is a non-profit that works to fund research into the prevention, treatments and cure for autism. The organizations goal is to increase people’s awareness of autism spectrum disorders and advocate for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. Nevada FCCLA State Vice-President of Public Relations, Katelyn Curtis and a fellow chapter member organized a “Light It Up Blue Week” for their junior high to promote Autism Speaks and autism awareness. Here is Katelyn’s recap of what they did throughout the week at Enterprise Junior High.

Learning at the 2013 National Conference that FCCLA had partnered with Autism Speaks, I decided that I wanted to do a project that helped increase my fellow peers awareness of autism spectrum disorder. This project was very personal to me, because I have a relative that is diagnosed with autism, and I not only wanted to further educate myself about autism, but also my peers. My partner and I decided to call our project “Light It Up Blue Week”. Throughout the week the Enterprise Junior High student participated in games, activities, and competition. We also put up fats about autism spectrum disorder each day for students to see.


·      On Monday, we gave a brief introduction to what we would be doing for the rest of the week, handed out Autism Speaks wristbands and gave students a challenge to wear them all week. If they wore their wristbands all week they would receive a prize.


·      Tuesday, we played a game called "how many are in the jar?". We filled a mason jar and full it with blue and white m&ms and put the jar in a junior high classroom with a bucket where they could write their name and their guess. At the end of the week we selected a winner who was closest to the actual amount. We choose blue and white m&ms, because they are the colors that represent Autism Speaks.


·      Wednesday, we did a scavenger hunt for blue puzzle pieces, which represented Autism Speaks logo. To get the students really interested in the scavenger hunt we made it a competition between the seventh and eighth grade. Throughout the day they looked for puzzle pieces and by the end of the day, whichever class has the most pieces won a “Snack Certificate” to the FACS Room.


·      On Thursday, we held a large assembly and a contest to see who could wear the most blue! During the assembly we talked with them about autism spectrum disorder, and what Autism Speaks does to help individuals and families with autism. We will also played a short sound track of what it would be like to have autism. This helped give students who do not have autism a better understanding of what it might be like to have autism. 


The Enterprise School District has a number students that have autism. With starting this project we wanted to make sure we were careful and presented the information in a way that would help other understand autism better and be educated on it. We believe that our “Light It Up Blue Week” was very successful in finding interactive and fun ways to help promote autism awareness.


For more information on Autism Speaks, you can visit

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