Are you looking for a way to become more involved in FCCLA? Do you want to improve your leadership skills and network with other student leaders from across the state? If so, then we have an event you don’t want to miss. From November 1 through 3, we challenge you to complete Mission OLI! Along with four other Career and Technical Student Organizations, your Nevada FCCLA State Officer Team will be hosting the 2014 Nevada Leadership Institute in Bend, Nevada. Be prepared to attend workshops, hear from a keynote speaker, meet new people from across the state, and expand your leadership skills.

During the FCCLA members-only session, we will be covering many projects that Nevada FCCLA will be focusing on this year, such as ways to incorporate the National Program, Student Body, and National FCCLA’s new campaign, FCCLA At the Table. We will also be introducing our new membership campaign: Mission Addition, where we want you to become agents for Nevada FCCLA to recruit new members.

Be sure and talk to your adviser on how you can attend this incredible leadership conference. We hope you can join us in Bend, Nevada for the 2014 Nevada Leadership Institute, and we look forward to seeing you soon!